Over the past decade the "teardown" trend, a community altering phenomenon, has impacted several Saint Paul neighborhoods including Hamline Midway, Highland Park, Macalester Groveland, and Crocus Hill. Residents of those communities are concerned that their quiet neighborhoods have become disrupted with with bulldozers, dust, and construction. Residents have mobilized and are advocating for changes to city policy that will better manage sweeping changes to established communities - better protecting their unique character, charm, and diversity. Strong leadership in this areas is coming from a coalition known as Save Our Saint Paul Neighborhoods whose mission is to "advocate for the preservation, protection and enhancement of the unique history, character and natural resources of St. Paul’s neighborhoods by engaging and empowering residents, supporting sustainable and respectful development, and promoting community spirit".
Historic Saint Paul supports efforts to identify and put in place tools that will protect the character, fabirc, and livibility of all Saint Paul neighbohroods.